Godzilla is a popular movie franchise for several reasons: Unique and Memorable Design: Godzilla’s design is one of the most iconic in movie history. It’s instantly recognizable, distinctive, and memorable. The creature’s size, strength, and appearance are awe-inspiring, and this has contributed to its popularity. Social and Political Commentary: TheContinue Reading


Godzilla Games The various types of Godzilla video games have gone from very basic concepts with some action to very detailed games. The colors, sounds, and the movements are all part of the creativeness that continues to entice players to choose this type of game over another one. Some ofContinue Reading

  Godzilla One of the most well known monsters of the movies is Godzilla with the original taking place in 1954. It continues to be a commonly watched movie in both the original form and they remake from 1998. There have also been several series and spin offs from GodzillaContinue Reading

King Ghidorah: A three-headed dragon-like monster that is often depicted as one of Godzilla’s primary adversaries. Mechagodzilla: A giant robot that has been built to combat Godzilla. Gigan: A cyborg monster with saw-like blades on its arms and legs. Megalon: A giant insect-like monster that has appeared in several GodzillaContinue Reading

It is not specified in the original 1954 Godzilla movie or any other media in the Godzilla franchise exactly how much power Godzilla gained from the radiation that mutated him. In the original movie, it is suggested that the radiation caused Godzilla to grow to an enormous size and gainContinue Reading